We are delighted to share that Thuja led the extension of Tacalyx’s seed financing!

We are delighted to share that Thuja led the extension of Tacalyx’s seed financing. Tacalyx is developing a pipeline of antibody-based therapies targeting TACAs (tumour-associated carbohydrate antigens), for the treatment of solid tumours.  

 “We see great potential with the expertise and technology of Tacalyx in the emerging field of glycan biology and believe this technology platform can create novel treatment options for patients with excellent specificity across multiple solid tumor indications. We are excited to support the team in the development of this promising approach,” said  Evan Castiglia , Partner at Thuja Capital.

 We congratulate Peter Sondermann and the Tacalyx team on the successful closing of this round and look forward to working with co-investors Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund (BIVF), Kurma Partners, Idinvest/Eurazeo, High-tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), Coparion, Creathor Ventures, Max Plank Society (MPG).

Read the full press release here.

Visit Tacalyx’s website here: https://tacalyx.com/